Learn how to draw manga – a mad about manga review


 Product: Mad about manga                                                                                Price: 37$                                                                                                            Place to buyMad About Manga sales page                                                       My Rating:9/10

Ever been bored of reading/watching and being a pathetic consumer of information? Have you ever thought that you want to follow in the footsteps of your idols, and learn how to draw manga? Then you’ve come to the right place. Mad About Manga is a promising guide tailored exactly to the needs of the hardcore anime fun, who wants to become a mangaka himself.


Do you feel like your attempts to draw your favorite characters have been a bit of a failure? Have you tried time and again to improve your artistic skills, only to realise that you are consistently hitting a plateau? Fortunately, there is an answer for everyone of you feeling that way. No need to stay behind in your manga endeavors. No more trying so hard to get a below average result in your drawings. It is time to change your perspective and actually start to progress.


What it promises

Mad about Manga is a fresh program designed to teach you step by step the most efficient way to draw your favorite characters. Do you want to learn to draw in a way that your designs seem almost ready to come to life? Are you tired of drawing boring sketches and getting mocked by your friends? Then mad about manga is most certainly the right product for you, to start you on your journey as a manga artist. Even if you already draw manga, but you haven’t still achieved the success you are yearning for, then mad about manga can help as well. Stop being a loser manga artist, and learn the proper way to put your characters into life.

But i’m good with art

What happens if you already are able to draw beautifully? Is there anything that Mad About Manga can offer you? Of course there is. Aside from teaching you how to bring your sketches and characters at top notch level, there is another component to the program that applies to you. The Mad About Manga guide shows you how to write your own manga script the proper way. After applying the techniques you ‘ll learn, your manga stories will never be the same. Say goodbye to boring storylines and running out of ideas. Your readers won’t be able to put the manga down.drawings

Don’t buy

I don’t want you to waste your money. If you aren’t dedicated to following a step by step guide, then don’t invest in Mad About Manga. It really is a foolproof guide, so the only way you cannot improve your drawings, is if you don’t follow through with the advice given to you. If you do, and are consistent and passionate about what you are doing, don’t waste a single minute. We all need guidance to become better, doing random stuff on your own never works and you know it. It is time to invest in a guide which knows what it is telling you. And Mad About Manga surely is one of those guides 🙂

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Thanks, minna and I’ll see you next time!

9 thoughts on “Learn how to draw manga – a mad about manga review”

  1. I have a few friends that are fans of Manga and I’ll be sure to point them to this site! You give very informed review and it is very honest! I feel more educated now and feel like I can make a more informed decision!

  2. Hello, I like your site. I leave for work every morning and I draw a picture for my son. He is always asleep so he looks forward to pictures. This a good recommendation and I will use your information to update my photos. I usually just look on google pics to see what to draw, but this will make my mornings go easier and quicker. Thanks again.

    1. I’m glad you like the website Mike. It’s so cute to draw pictures for your son every morning. You should definitely introduce him into anime as he grows up and of course One Piece :P. Definitely check out Mad About Manga if you are interested in drawing and sketching. Cheers!

  3. This seems pretty cool! I’ve tried drawing a few times on my own in the past, but it never really came out looking good.

    My younger sister on the other hand is pretty good at this kind of thing. I think she started by reading a book on drawing manga.

    It’s pretty cool that it teaches you how to have character express emotions too. That’s that part that I’ve always had the hardest time doing.

    1. Hello Nick! It’s never late to start pursuing hobbies you are interested in, such as drawing manga ;). Expressing emotions is indeed a huge part of Mad about Manga’s training. Be sure to check it out. Or just force your sister to teach you haha!

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